SiteWorks Gives 31-Year Old System New Life

EDI Aeration for Life: Upgrades at California, MO WWTP

SiteWorks™ Continues to Grow a Happy Customer Base

PTFE Coated EPDM Diffuser Membranes

General Oxygen Requirements for Wastewater Treatment

Field Performance of Fine and Ultra Fine Bubble Diffusers

High Efficiency Diffusers vs. Surface Aerators

Energy Smart Designs

Floating Lateral Successful Operations

Testing Pipe Support Spacing

Comparison of Flat Panel to MiniPanel Diffuser

Analysis of Panel Diffuser Technologies

Optimization of Diffuser Systems

Sludge Removal and Diffuser Membrane Replacement WWT Lagoon at Proccessing Plant

Duckett Creek WWTP: EDI Delivering on the ‘Aeration for Life’ Promise

Columbus, GA WRF: System Upgrade and Maintenance Program

AW System Upgrade at Bridgeport CT EDI Keeps Solving Unique Challenges

Retrievable Diffuser Aeration Systems

Coarse Bubble Diffusers

Fine Bubble Aeration

Improved Plant Discharge Quality Using the IDEAL System

Selecting Lagoon Aeration Systems

Symphony Model Based Digital Solution at City of Lebanon, PA

AerationWorks Upgrade at Leprino Foods Dairy Processing Plant

Floating HDPE Air Lateral System Cuts Blower Requirement in Half, Improves DO, and Removes Odor at F&A Dairy Plant

Over 40% Energy Savings per Month: Jet Aeration Upgraded to EDI Fixed Grid Fine Bubble System

Robust, High Efficiency Aeration System with Intelligent Control System at one of the Largest WWTP’s in the World

Aerobic Treatment at Brakebush Brothers Inc. Chicken Products Manufacturing Plant; Westfield, WI

Produced-water recycling and Energy Reduction for Central Oklahoma

IDEAL Extended Aeration System & Batch Reactor Process Doubles Treatment Capacity

StreamLine System Upgrade Improves SOTE, Energy Savings, and Effluent Quality at Frielas WWTP

Disc Diffuser Specification Guidelines

Maximum Air Pressure for Diffusers

Energy Consumption Performance of Aeration Systems